Mortdale Public School

Work Hard, Play Fair

Telephone02 9580 5243

Education Week 2022 NEWS

Education Week Open Day- Postponed to Wednesday 7 September

Education Week  will be postponed to Wednesday 7 September. It was originally scheduled for next Wednesday 3 August. We are postponing our Education Week celebrations to later in the term as a result of the Department of Education's '4 week blitz' to minimise indoor events so that we can help reduce the risk of the circulation of viruses.

 Our plan for Open Day is to invite all of our families into our classrooms to celebrate the wonderful learning of the students and then complete the celebrations with a whole school concert including performances from our Kindergarten students, Year 2 recorder group, our school bands and our dance troupes. The new date for Open Day will be Wednesday 7 September. Please add this date to your calendar. We hope all of our families are able to join us to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our students, staff and parent community in Week 8. A flyer will be sent out in the coming weeks outlining our planned events for Week 8 (Monday 5 September-Friday 9 September). We will also include our wonderful NAIDOC celebrations during that week as well. We are excited to open up our classrooms to our amazing school community.

The theme for Education Week this year is “Creating futures.” We are celebrating this year’s theme through our commitment to ensuring we equip our students with the learning dispositions using our Learning Disposition Wheel to be successful life-long learners. We aim to ensure our students are equipped with resilience to embrace challenges, have the aptitude to reach higher levels of achievement and have the adaptability and creativity to master new skills. We are committed to ensuring that our students are placed at the centre of our decision-making and that we continually strive for improvement and innovation. Through our strong relationships with our school community, we are ensuring that every student is known, valued and cared for. We warmly invite all of our parents and carers to visit our school to see the wonderful learning that is happening in all classrooms in Week 8.