Mortdale Public School

Work Hard, Play Fair

Telephone02 9580 5243

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

This year we are operating with a 15 class structure K-6.

As well as this we also have 3 Assistant Principals  positions:

K-2 : Mrs Bauk

Stage 2: Years 3 and 4: Mrs Smith

Stage 3: Years 5 and 6: Mr Andreone

We have an Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction (Mrs Dominis)  and an Instructional Leader for Numeracy (Mrs Nardis). These roles will enable staff to have a shoulder to shoulder support as we work collaboratively to meet the literacy and numeracy learning needs of our students. As well as this support, we also have an expert team of support teachers and learning support officers who provide small group and individual instruction.

Class Teachers-

KZ- Miss Zaklama 

KV - Mrs Koutsis

KC - Mrs Costa (Monday, Tuesday) Mrs O'Brien (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

1R- Mrs Carroll

1CN - Mrs Buffolin (Monday- Thursday) Mrs Ordanoski (Friday)

2B- Mrs Bauk (Monday, Tuesday) Mrs Browne (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

2NP - Mrs Ponticello (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and Mrs Nardis (Thursday, Friday)

2/3AM - Mrs Astawa, Mrs Alderdice (Monday, Tuesday) Mrs Markotic (Wednesday, Thursday)

3SR-  Mrs Russo (Monday, Tuesday) Mrs Smith  (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

4H- Mrs Hines

4N - Mrs Reide

5W - Miss Woolf

5T - Miss Tsopanis

6B- Mr Brook

6A - Mr Andreone (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Mrs Ambler (Wednesday)

Library Teacher- Mrs Mitchell

Music Teacher- Mrs Sanders

School Administrative Team-

School Admin Manager- Mrs Baigent (Monday, Thursday, Friday)

School Admin Officer - Mrs Teale (Monday, Tuesday,  Thursday, Friday)

School Admin Officer- Mrs Andrianakos ( Tuesday, Wednesday)

School Admin Officer- Mrs Grey (Wednesday, Thursday)

Mrs Panay - (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

 Mrs Barrit-Mikelson (Monday, Friday)

General Assistant (GA)- Mr Maratos (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Specialist Support Teachers-

Mrs Johnson - (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Mrs Ambler (Thursday)

Mrs Harper (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

School Learning Support Officers-

Mrs Dela Cruz (Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday)

Mrs Hage (Monday, Thursday, Friday)

Mrs Sara Hage (Thursday, Friday)

Mrs Mitrothanasis (Monday, Tuesday, Friday)

Mrs Erica Massingham (Tuesday, Wednesday, )